Make your services visible on the Internet and easily found by potential customers.
Customers aren’t writing or calling? That’s a sign that your business isn’t showing up in Google search results, and your website probably isn’t performing as well as it could with our help.
Based on our experience, we know that in such a situation, it’s essential to take care of a good reputation and local SEO. Leverage Google’s search engine capabilities to effectively attract new clients, surpass local competition, and generate higher profits through strategic positioning.
Close to half of all queries entered by users into the Google search engine are local queries. They include the name of a specific region, city, or district, significantly narrowing down and refining the received results.
If your company provides services in the local market and wants to reach customers in the area, you should consider incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy. Without skillfully executed local website positioning, your offer will not reach users searching for services on the Internet within your operational area..
Why is internet marketing so essential for local businesses? To realize this, it’s worth considering first how average users search for information about the services that interest them.
In most cases, users turn to Google as their first step. After entering a query, they receive a list of results and often click on websites that appear at the top. The position of a website is crucial because as many as 70% of users only browse the first page of Google search results, without even checking websites that appear further down. Therefore, websites that appear in the TOP10 of Google’s ranking play a key role.
If you’re not on the first page of Google search results, you’re simultaneously preventing users from discovering your offer. This way, you lose potential customers and miss the opportunity to effectively compete in the local market.
Use the potential of internet marketing to effectively boost your sales and brand awareness among customers. At, we will guide you through this process.
Your website is your place on the web and the fundamental showcase of your company, thus an essential sales tool. It’s where you should build a professional image, share expert knowledge, and, as a result, establish credibility in the eyes of potential clients, capturing their interest, and eventually gaining their trust.
A website is the most crucial foundation and starting point for any marketing efforts. Users, including you, are cautious about websites that are unreadable, chaotic, slow, with complicated architecture, hidden services, and lacking customer reviews to support the company’s credibility. The situation becomes even more complicated if your website is invisible in organic search results. To change this, you need a thoughtful and consistently executed website positioning strategy.
Ease of access to information about a company is one of the key factors in the customer decision-making process. For this reason, maintaining a business listing on Google has become an integral part of effective local positioning. It’s often the first point of contact for potential clients with your offerings. From experience, we know that for owners of local service-based businesses, nothing is as crucial as their Google My Business profile.
Local website positioning is linked to the visibility of a company on Google Maps. As statistics show, up to 85% of users searching for a specific service online check the company’s location on Google Maps. A user who enters a specific keyword directly related to a particular location knows what they are looking for. For companies offering desired services in a chosen location and holding a high position in search results, such a query practically translates to a highly potential customer.
Local business doesn’t have to mean a limited number of customers. With our support, you have a chance to build a strategy that provides stability and allows a steady influx of new clients. Optimizing your Google My Business listing is a good starting point if you want to implement online marketing in your company.
We prepare a link-building strategy to acquire high-quality backlinks leading to your website and, in turn, increase the power and authority of your site. We approach each page individually, developing a customized action plan tailored to the needs of each client.
The key goal of the link-building process is to ensure the website experiences stable and consistent growth in visibility within Google search results. Each time, we rely on trusted, high-quality link sources, which we select after conducting a thorough analysis using specialized SEO tools. Transparency is an important value for us, which is why we provide our clients with a summary of the performed actions in the form of monthly reports. With this strategy, you will effectively establish a presence in local media and reach your target audience
The main advantage of Google Ads advertising campaigns is the quick visibility of results. As a result, these actions provide excellent support for the website positioning process. Well-designed and managed Google campaigns deliver high-quality traffic, leading to improved conversion rates, more inquiries, and consequently, increased sales.
The effects of the conducted Google Ads campaign are also easily measurable. With proper configuration of the advertising account, we can continuously monitor its results and verify how the advertisement impacts the client’s business objectives. Companies collaborating with us receive ongoing access to advertising performance results and the ability to make necessary changes. At the end of each month, our clients receive a detailed report along with a summary from the specialist responsible for their project.
Do you want to establish yourself in the minds of your audience as a strong brand and an expert in your field? Create informative content, educate potential customers about your services or products, and build a professional online image. Make use of the opportunities that content marketing offers you.
At, our team of copywriters works closely with the client because we know that you are the expert in your field and the most valuable resource. That’s why we begin each collaboration with a thorough discussion of needs and expectations, and we provide the prepared content for direct client verification. This way, we ensure that the final text is of truly high quality.
If you want to effectively reach new customers, you need to be where your audience is. Social media marketing is an efficient tool to achieve this goal. We will show you how to harness the potential of your company’s profiles on major social media platforms to communicate your expertise, build trust with your audience, and cultivate a professional image.
We develop a communication strategy on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, taking into account the specificity of the client’s industry and competitor actions. Our goal is to effectively differentiate your company from competitors and create a strong brand that can engage its audience.
While running your own business, you certainly care about a stable source of income and a steady influx of new customers. In today’s digitized world, where more and more areas are moving online, users searching for specific services first turn to Google. It is in your interest that after entering a desired keyword, your website appears on a high position. Only this way you can reach your audience and capture their attention. To make this possible, you need skillfully executed internet marketing.
We are a marketing agency from Wroclaw, and one of the key areas of our expertise is professional services. Thanks to this, we have had the opportunity to thoroughly understand the specifics and requirements of this sector. Effectively acquiring clients and achieving set business goals is a crucial challenge in today’s business world. The answer lies in thoughtful and well-planned marketing, as many of our clients have already experienced.
A special group of our clients consists of lawyers. By talking with numerous law firms, we have come to realize that the legal industry – despite its specific requirements – actually faces problems common to today’s businesses. In light of this, an increasing number of lawyers recognize the need for implementing marketing activities.
Effective marketing is not just about advertising. Website positioning, managing a Google My Business listing, or handling a law firm’s social media profile – all of these are fully secure promotion tools for the legal industry.
The market for medical services is highly saturated, and the competition continues to grow. In large cities, it is common to encounter situations where there are multiple dental offices or medical facilities on the same street. Is your website attractive and compelling enough for potential clients to choose you? Or perhaps they won’t even be able to reach your offer because your website occupies a distant position in Google search results?
With our actions, you will get rid of this dilemma. Consistently implemented internet marketing will allow you to effectively reach a broader audience and build a professional image and trust among users.
Optima-Odszkodowania Kancelaria Prawna współpracuje ze w zakresie pozycjonowania oraz optymalizacji strony. Dotychczasowa współpraca dała naszej firmie zadowalające efekty i układała się bez zarzutów. Strategia działań, jakie podjęto przy świadczeniu usług, kompleksowo objęła nasze potrzeby i wymagania. Zaproponowane działania zostały wykonane w ustalonych terminach i z dbałością o szczegóły. Specjaliści firmy służyli pomocą i odpowiadali na wszystkie pojawiające się pytania. Dlatego polecamy usługi
Współpraca ze od samego początku przebiegała zgodnie z naszymi oczekiwaniami i oceniamy ją bardzo wysoko. Po analizie potrzeb oraz stanu obecnego zaproponowano nam zmianę serwisu. Cały proces przebiegł bardzo sprawnie. Nie zdawaliśmy sobie sprawy, że poprzedni serwis był odpowiedzialny za krytycznie niską widoczność. Profesjonalne doradztwo, fachowość pracowników, a także doświadczenie pozwoliły nawiązać długotrwałą współpracę, z której jesteśmy zadowoleni.
Z wrocławską agencją nasze biuro projektowe pracuje od początku 2016 r. Jej skuteczność w krótkim czasie doprowadziła do umocnienia naszej pozycji w Google oraz sprawiła, że jesteśmy widoczni na czołowych miejscach na kluczowe dla nas frazy. Wszystkie sugestie agencji okazują się trafne, a prowadzone działania nie tylko wpływają na wzrost oglądalności strony, ale także na wzrost konwersji. Niemałe znaczenie ma łatwość w kontakcie z pracownikami Z bieżących działań otrzymujemy szczegółowe raporty, które zawsze możemy omówić.
Uniq Metal ma przyjemność polecić firmę w zakresie pozycjonowania i optymalizacji stron. W czasie współpracy udało nam się zdobyć oraz utrzymać wysokie pozycje dla naszego serwisu. Zespół wykazuje się dużą fachową wiedzą oraz doskonałą komunikacją z naszym zespołem. Żadne pytanie nie pozostaje bez odpowiedzi, a wszelkie wątpliwości zostają od razu rozwiane. Możemy z ogromną przyjemnością zarekomendować jako rzetelnego Partnera. byli odpowiedzialni za prowadzenie kampanii reklamowych Google Ads i Facebook Ads dla naszej firmy. Od samego początku naszej współpracy firma była pomocna i dzięki dużej wiedzy, kampanie były nieustannie optymalizowane, co znalazło swoje odzwierciedlenie w coraz lepszych wynikach i przyniosło naszej firmie realne rezultaty. Zdecydowanie możemy polecić, gdyż realizowane usługi zostały wykonane z zachowaniem należytej staranności oraz najwyższej jakości.